- New SPD pedals fitted to bike – new shoes sitting by the door. Now to insert feet, clip one into the other – and fall off ….. #
- @davemagill Two vouchers or two Sky+ boxes? in reply to davemagill #
- New RisingDawn blog After ride feel good http://tinyurl.com/csgfet #
- New picture uploaded Wiggington Village Store http://tinyurl.com/dbdm9e #
- New picture uploaded Shimano SPD cycling shoes http://tinyurl.com/dmxqrq #
- Installed Touch Physics on my iPhone – even bought the full version – must be compelling http://tinyurl.com/cml5ca #
- http://twitpic.com/21yfs – Unfortunate Newspaper Title and second headline on most read list #
- What an amazing voice – esp for a 13 year old. http://www.farylmusic.com/ #
- @pazo_r cheesy fact – smelly too in reply to pazo_r #
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