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The Alpha Course

The Alpha Course

I am deep into organising a couple of launch events for The Alpha Course in York – hence the low activity on this blog recently. 


The first is on Saturday at Kit Kat Crescent the home of York City FC. Alpha is sponsoring the match which is preceded by a lunch for invited guests. There still tickets available for anyone who wants to bring a friend to hear about The Alpha Course. £20.00 all inclusive – meal and match which this weekend is against Salisbury City. Available from The Parish Centre of St Michael le Belfrey, York. 01904 624190.

The second is at York City Screen at 7.15pm on Tuesday 23rd September. Refreshements, a York City Gospel Choir, some films and a short talk. Tickets £6.00

The Alpha Course is a ten week course to explore the Christian Faith in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Meal, talk and discussion. The course at St Michael le Belfrey starts on Weds October 1st 2008 at 7.15pm. To book click here

If you could ask God any question what would it be?

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