Plans ignore cyclists

Richard George: Plans ignore cyclists | Health and wellbeing | Life and Health
My local supermarket was designed by a driver, for drivers. This, despite the fact I live in Hackney, London, where less than half the population drives and 70% of shopping trips in the borough are made on foot. Nine buses stop outside the supermarket and most of the customers live in nearby flats, but my supermarket would rather everyone drove – and they have designed everything to try and ensure we do.

Richard George is right – planners are making it impossible to use a bike for shopping or commuting. It’s time they brought their green ambitions into line with their aspirations.

Earth Hour

Natalie Shell: think talk walk
Last year (’07) I was visiting my hometown Sydney, and I found myself quite proudly part of a little experiment by the city of Sydney “Earth Hour”.

The concept was simple: have the whole city turn off their lights for 1 single hour to reduce greenhouse emissions.

Well this year Earth Hour has gone GLOBAL!

I like this idea posted on the blog of my friend Natalie. Next weekend we all turn off our lights for an hour in the name of the environment, and find some way to celebrate it with an alternative lighting event. Our own Earth Hour.

Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.